Yes. I fled from Mogadishu To Oslo It was a great experience That left prints on me.
(oh yeah, and I got sent back to Somalia)
All people who work with immigrant/refugees and especially everybody (including the bosses) at UDI, as well as all people who have anything against refugees should take part at ”På Flukt” (”Fleeing”) Arranged by the Norwegian Red Cross’ Youth Organization (Røde Kors Ungdom)
It made a great impression on me to feel it in my body and soul, in a very scaled down version, of how refugees experience getting to Norway. Further on, the organization also showed a short film about how redcross works around the world, showed us a presentation of refugees situation, and told us a personal experience. I was sitting with tears in my eyes in the dark room, because this world deserves better.
We are all sent here with a perpose in life, a mission. The fact that we are so out of touch with where we come from that we actually end up like this is, in a chaos, circling around, not knowing how to do things, and ending up messing things up.
An other thing is our emotions and psyche, that would be radically different if we were all in touch with our source. Redcross does a great deal of work on pain relief and human aid, but we must also remember that the most inportant is to get to the source of the problem and remove it. Just like it says on the fire extinguisher: Aim for the root of the fire. Do that. (
Så.I dag var vi ute i regnet bygget leirplass, ute i skogen og felte trær (det gjorde vondt), inne i en garasje med røyk som blåste inn og snekret sammen funky sitteplasser. Resultatet ble fantastisk :)
Selvfølgelig startet vi dagen med nesten en times pokr.